Well ranted, Daniel! Thank you for investing the time to comment. (And for your own great work.)
We completely agree: “we need to say: well done, and now show us action.”
Some of the response to my article has basically said “never mind the talk, _just_ show us the action,” missing the fact that _how_ humans get into action is by talking — whether in declarations from on high or in conversations between people.
It’s by talking that we create new worlds, open new possibilities, make commitments to act, coordinate how to act and fulfill those commitments, assess how well we’ve done, resolve to do better, etc. Rinse and repeat.
Yes, talk without action is BS. Talk _with_ action is how change happens.
And if we don’t want those with whom we disagree or are disappointed to change, and acknowledge them when they do (and kick their asses when they don’t), how do we expect to see the change we want to see in the world?